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Reunion Archive

2017 Reunions

Class of 1947
Class of 1947 celebrated 70 years since their graduation from Eastern Academy at the Homecoming Heritage Dinner on October 20, 2017.  The Foundation Office was thrilled to have seven alumnae attend, including one who traveled all the way from Michigan.
Class of 1967
“Celebrating 50 Years!”   
by Georgia Meeter, Reunion Chair
The Class of 1967 celebrated a wonderful reunion “feeling young again” on September 30, 2017, with a well-attended morning social at Faith Community CRC’s ‘Barn’, followed by a great high school tour, and a lovely dinner at Portobello Restaurant with 47 alumni attending. It was a joy-filled time, sharing memories, gratitude for our EC foundation and God’s faithfulness in our lives. We closed hand-in-hand singing, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”. A mini-reunion was also celebrated in MI for those who couldn’t come to NJ.   Our class gift of $1,000 was given to EC’s Project Hope. A biography booklet with updates about 80 classmates’ lives was also distributed. Reunions are well worth the team effort and we will plan another one for our 55 years!!”  (Need planning tips? Email Georgia

Class of 1977
On October 7, 2017 the class of 1977 met at Portobello’s Restaurant in Oakland for their 40th class reunion.  Attending were 45 classmates from 11 different states, who along with their guests, spent the evening sharing memories and stories of God’s faithfulness.  A memorial table helped us to remember our classmates who have been called to their eternal home:  Ruth (Sluis) Manning, Doris (Higby) Van Der Have, Robert Baker, George Fenners and Dave Pruiksma.  To honor the 125th year of Eastern Christian Schools, a class donation was given to Campaign 125.  We give glory to God for His blessings of Christian education at EC.

’88 and ‘89ers
An impromptu gathering was held over the Christmas holidays at The Front Porch in Hawthorne.  A great time was held by all.


2015 Reunions

Class of 1945, 1950 and 1955

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On Wednesday, June 25 classmates gathered in Eastern Christian High School’s cafeteria for a delicious luncheon and time of fellowship. Everyone had a great time renewing old friendships and seeing former classmates.
Future Heritage Years reunions will now take place during Homecoming Weekends in October.


Class of 2005 – 10 Year Reunion


During Homecoming weekend on Saturday, October 24th, 24 graduates from the class of 2005 and their guests gathered at the Taphouse Grille in Wayne, NJ for a 10 Year Reunion. Everyone enjoyed good food, drinks, and conversation. It was great to catch up with those that could make it!


Class of 1975 – 40 Year Reunion

Class of 1975

The Class of 1975 gathered for a reunion on November 28, 2015 at Portobello’s Restaurant. Classmates traveled from California, Michigan, Vermont, New York and Virginia. It was a wonderful evening reconnecting.

Photo Gallery




Class of 1965 – 50 Year Reunion



After an hour of mixing it up over appetizers we sat down and laughed about Ron Steiginga’s list of 10 best reasons to attend (and NOT to attend) the 50th class reunion.  AnnaMae Bush offered devotional reflections on “Family Resemblances” based on our physical DNA and our spiritual DNA in the family of God, focusing on Colossians 3:12-16.  Rich Higby offered prayer and then we enjoyed a wonderful meal with entree choices of prime rib, salmon, or chicken marsala.  Before dessert we took a group photo and Ellen Simpson distributed 8 CDs of the most popular songs from the mid-60s to the classmates who came the farthest, were married the longest, had the most grandchildren, lived in the most places, parented the most foster children, worked for the same employer the longest, served the longest in the military, and worked the longest in a political office.

It was a festive atmosphere.  The tables were beautifully decorated in blue and gold, with balloons, live goldfish, appropriate confetti, gold scrolls with important information about life in 1965 (top hits, movies, TV shows, cost of bread, gasoline, postage, phone calls and candy bars, important events), and prescription bottles filled with Bible verses as an Rx for “Strength for the Journey.”  Place settings also had chocolate candy for a 50th reunion.  A display table in one corner included a copy of the 1965 yearbook, additional photos, and more information about the 60s.  A memory table in another corner contained framed photos and a lighted candle for each of the 14 class members who are deceased.

The four hour event came to an end too quickly to recapture 50 years, but a group of us gathered Saturday morning for a tour of the high school with David Visbeen.  Some class members also arranged to meet with each other at other venues.  The reunion booklets contained over 50 pages of biographical updates on 69 class members, current photos, contact information, and a few scanned photos from the original yearbook.  The book will provide hours of reading pleasure and many opportunities for reconnecting.  Class members applauded AnnaMae and Ellen for all their work in organizing a memorable event and reunion book.


2014 Reunions

Class of: 1934, 1939, 1944, 1949 and 1954

On Wednesday, June 25th, members of the Class of 1944, Class of 1949 and the Class of 1954 gathered in Eastern Christian High School’s cafeteria for a luncheon and time of fellowship. In addition the Class of 1939 were invited — George & Verna Belanus sent their regards and noted that they celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary on June 28, 2014.
Several 1954 classmates arrived from out-of-state — Herm Kuiken from Orlando, Florida, Fred Lanting from Union Grove, Alabama and Ethel Baum from Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The Eastern Christian Alumni Office thanks all of the supporters that attended as well as those who could not attend, yet sent a note of support. Garry Nieuwenhuis, the Executive Director of the Foundation for ECSA reviewed for the attendees the history of Christian education in North Jersey from its earliest beginnings in 1892 to the present. Since all who attended graduated from Eastern Academy, special attention was focused on the years from 1954 to the present when the name Eastern Academy changed to Eastern Christian School. Topics such as enrollment, courses of study, cost of education, alternative sources of income and our International student programs were presented.
Class of 1994: 20-Year Reunion
Six classmates from the Class of 1994 gathered at Pellegrino’s in North Haledon in June, 2014. The gathering was small, yet sweet and so much fun. We laughed, shared some funny memories and thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company.
Class of 1964: 50-Year Reunion

The Class of 1964 celebrated their 50th Reunion on June 28, 2014 at the Midland Park Fire House. Forty-two classmates arrived from 16 states and Canada, and along with spouses and guests, over 70 people enjoyed a delicious BBQ. Our Class President, Henry Schuurman, opened with prayer thanking God for our education and our parents’ dedication to Eastern Christian.
Class of 1959: 55-Year Reunion
Class of 1959 held their 55th Reunion on Friday, July 25, 2014 at Ossy’s Cafe in Hawthorne, NJ.

2013 Reunions

Class of 2003: 10-Year Reunion

Classmates gathered on Saturday, November 30 at The Brownstone for a fabulous evening! It was a fun evening – thanks to all who helped!
Class of 1993: 20-Year Reunion
EC’s Class of 1993 held their 20th reunion at Village Inn, in Wayne, NJ on Saturday, October 12. Classmates came from as far as Argentina, California and Oregon, and as close as Prospect Park. Gifts were given to the farthest and closest traveled, the first response and the last response received, One classmate’s 1 year wedding anniversary was the next day so a gift was presented to them, and for 2 decades now, a classmate who had left EC in 1991 has come back for both our 10 and our 20 year reunion so we had to give him something! Owen Valkema – as always, wonderful to see you! Mr. Bob Reith opened in prayer for us and Mr. Joel Apol shared a few memories he had of some of our reunion attendees. Danny from Down Beat Entertainment DJs kept the music low enough for us to laugh and talk all night as he played all music from 1993. He even found our class song “Turn Turn Turn” by the Byrds and played while we took our group photo. Reunion attendees were asked to bring new hats, gloves, scarves, and mittens to donate to New Hope Community in Prospect Park and a large bin of these items will be brought to New Hope later on in the month. We were also able to present Beth Milkamp with a class gift back to the school and we were excited to have her with us for a short while that night. A special thanks goes out to Kate (Schuurman) Culp for handling our photography for all the wonderful photos you see in the Herald and also on the website. Once again, the actual reunion ended at 10, but a handful of us stayed until midnight. So be on the look-out for the 30th? 35th? Reunion information! Check out the photos!
Class of 1983: 30-Year Reunion
Our reunion was a great success! It was great seeing everyone again & meeting up with some who came to a reunion for the first time since we graduated. We wish everyone could have made it! We missed you! If you would like to see more pictures of the reunion and other pictures classmates have shared, please join our page on Facebook “EC REUNION CLASS 1983.”
Class of 1978: 35-Year Reunion
Classmates enjoyed a great time together on Saturday, Oct 12 at The Castle in Chester, NY. More details and pictures coming soon!
Class of 1958: 55-Year Reunion
On Saturday, September 28, members of the Class of 1958 gathered at the Brick House Restaurant in Wyckoff for a 55th reunion luncheon. Attending were 18 classmates, many with their spouses, who enjoyed an afternoon of good food, good fellowship and plenty of reminiscing. The Class of ’58 was one of the last classes to come from the original feeder schools ( North 4th Street, Riverside, Midland Park and Passaic) and gather as a 9th grade class at the former Eastern Academy then known as the ECSA Junior High School. The final three years of education were received in the brand new Eastern Christian High School in North Haledon. The Class of ’58 was the first graduating class to hold an outdoor graduation on the front lawn of the high school.


2012 Reunions

Class of 2002: 10-Year Reunion
On Saturday, November 24, twenty-six members of the class of 2002 gathered for their 10-year reunion. It was a wonderful evening of fellowship and reminiscing. The classmates also took time to remember their peer, David Crossman, who had passed away suddenly in April 2012.
Class of 1992: 20-Year Reunion
The Class of 1992 had a great time this past October at their Twenty-year reunion, held at Portobello’s Restaurant in Oakland. Twenty-three classmates were in attendance, some traveling from as far as Chicago and Nashville! The talking and reminiscing went on throughout the night as a slide show of our senior photos and memories played. A great time was had by all! Plans for the next reunion were already being tossed around before the night was done! Thank you to Pam (Steiginga) Struble for coordinating a fantastic evening.
Class of 1987
Class of 1987 held their 25th Class Reunion on Saturday, October 13 at Pellegrino’s in North Haledon. It was great spending time reminiscing with classmates. Thank you to Scott Martin for coordinating all the arrangements.
Class of 1962: 50-Year Reunion
The Class of 1962 gathered over the weekend of August 11, 2012 for their 50th reunion. Classmates first became reacquainted at a tour of the high school on Saturday afternoon. The reunion dinner was held Saturday evening at Pellegrino’s Restaurant in North Haledon. It was a wonderful event – everyone had a terrific time.
Class of 1955
Class of 1952: 60-Year Reunion
Fourteen classmates enjoyed a delicious lunch together on Wednesday, September 12 at Pellegrino’s in North Haledon. Classmates traveled from Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Tennessee to attend. The next morning, many classmates gathered to have coffee together at Midland Park CRC. It was a wonderful time of renewing old friendships. Many thanks to Clix Vander Wiele for organizing the event!

2011 Reunions

Class of 1961: 50-Year Reunion
The Class of 1961 celebrated their 50th Reunion on Friday, September 23 at the Sheraton Crossroads in Mahwah.
Class of 2001: 10-Year Reunion
The Class of 2001 celebrated their 10-Year Reunion on Friday, November 25 at the Paris Inn. A great time was had by all!!
Class of 1991: 20-Year Reunion
Friday, November 4, 2011 at the Indian Trail Club in Franklin Lakes, NJ
Class of 1986: 25-Year Reunion
The Class of 1986 had a great reunion in spite of Hurricane Irene crashing the party!! The class enjoyed an informal gathering on Friday, August 26. A group met at EC’s High School on Saturday morning. Former Principal Jan Lucas led them on a tour and pointed out the many changes since 1986. The reunion took place Saturday evening at Pellegrino’s in North Haledon. Everyone enjoyed a great time of fellowship and reminiscing.
Class of 1981: 30-Year Reunion
The Class of 1981 celebrated their 30th Reunion on December 30 at Pellegrino’s Restaurant, North Haledon. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening!

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